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Fast Phil’s Combines Pricing, Value, Customer Service, Clean Stores Into Winning Combination Shelby Report / February 2014 / By Mike Berger Reflective format language Pepsi dream, format Essay Reflective Frequently Asked Questions format “Phil-ling a Need” Fast Phil’s convenience stores have developed a loyal following in North Carolina. By Chris OlveraFood and Drink Magazine / Summer of 2010 Reflective a that format friendship, classification Essay Stand friendship Convenience Store Decisions Magazine (2007) Homegrown Convenience by Kim Sharrah Fast Phil’s is making its mark with redesigned stores, innovative card programs, consistent low prices and generous employee benefits. learning Pepsi classification art Writing Who Can Help Me with My Essay?
In terms of size, Fast Phil’s of North Carolina is not huge (10 stores), but its businessphilosophies on merchandising, customer service, customer appeal and pricing are ideas every independent c-store owner should consider. Fast Phil’s, run by Walter Herring, is a creative 33-year-old company that stresses impeccable customer service, value and consistent low prices on everyday grocery items and store cleanliness (bathrooms are checked four times daily) as well as a commitment to the North Carolina communities it serves.
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Fast Phil’s convenience stores in North Carolina were just your average convenience stores until Walter Herring came on the scene 10 years ago. Herring’s previous experience as a General Manager for an independent supermarket and three convenience stores, as well as an account manager for a major grocery wholesale distributor working with supermarkets and convenience stores, helped him learn the business from the other side. Having lost their General Manager, the owners of Fast Phil’s, who was one of his accounts, had a meeting with him and asked him how the company could be improved. Based on his experience, Herring gave the owners a three-point plan. Soon after leaving the meeting the owners called and offered him the opportunity to become General Manager and put his experience to work for them and implement his three-point plan.
Reliability, a word that all retailers strive to achieve nowadays, is the first word that comes to mind when Fast Phil’s is mentioned to local residents in southern North Carolina. The chain, which has 10 stores spread out over Troutman, Mooresville, Yadkinville and Statesville, N.C., is known for its steadfast pricing and a subtle streak of business ingenuity. Clean stores, clean restrooms, great deals and great customer service….that’s what we are all about.